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My life has changed since that day

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일20-01-02 14:02 조회1,279회 댓글0건


I am Luca,

What's up guys?! :)
I had been having trouble with my hair since I was in high school and this issue caused my really many troubles, especially in terms of self-confidence.

Approximately 3 years ago I stepped into the advertisement of the doctor's Lee clinic and, even though I thought to be a lost cause, I decided to make an appointment and go to the clinic. Well, to be honest, my life has changed since that day. The doctor, as well as all the staff, are the best. Not only in terms of professionality but also for their ability to make you feel comfortable and understood. After some hesitations, I decided to get my hair transplant and, before the surgery, I was a little scared but, to be honest, although the surgery took quite a lot of time, it's not painful at all and both surgeon and nurses are quite funny, thus I also had a quite nice time chatting with them during the surgery. As I mentioned before, thanks to doctor Lee, my life has really changed and now my self-confidence is fully restored.

If you are having the same problem I had, I strongly suggest you make an appointment and get a consultation, you are not going to regret it.
One of the things I appreciated most in the clinic is that one of the staff speaks both English and Korean very fluently and is able to give a real-time translation of what the doctor or the nurses are saying. Although I have been living in Korea for quite some time and I do speak decent Korean, this has been really helpful for the case of complicated medical terms.

To wraps it up, I really what to thank doctor Lee and his staff for their wonderful job on my hair. I thought there was no hope left for hair, they have shown to that I was wrong :)  


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